Annuaire des spécialistes du périnée
Dr. Edward Kangsuhp Kim
E. K. K.

Dr. Edward Kangsuhp Kim

Le docteur Kim est un spécialiste hautement qualifié en médecine pelvienne féminine et en chirurgie reconstructive, en obstétrique et gynécologie, et en urologie, avec un accent particulier sur la rééducation périnéale. Faites confiance à son expertise pour tous vos besoins en matière de muscles pelviens.

Acceptation de nouveaux patients
600 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD, 21287

Voulez-vous réhabiliter votre plancher pelvien à la maison ?

Consultez notre guide des 7 meilleures sondes de rééducation du plancher pelvien à utiliser chez soi.

Lire notre guide
Dr. Kim is a highly skilled specialist in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, and Urology. With a degree from the prestigious University of Michigan Medical School, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his practice in Baltimore, MD. Dr. Kim is particularly passionate about helping women with pelvic floor issues, including the important area of perineal rehabilitation. With a focus on providing personalized care, Dr. Kim is dedicated to helping his patients regain strength and function in their pelvic muscles through targeted rehabilitation techniques. Whether it's postpartum recovery or addressing pelvic floor dysfunction, Dr. Kim is committed to improving the quality of life for his patients. Trust in Dr. Kim's expertise and experience for all your perineal rehabilitation needs.
Dr. Edward Kangsuhp Kim is a medical professional who graduated from the University of Michigan Medical School in 2016. With his extensive education and training, he is well-equipped to provide high-quality medical care to his patients. Dr. Kim's expertise and dedication make him a trusted healthcare provider.
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