Annuaire des spécialistes du périnée
Dr. Joel Funk, MD

Dr. Joel Funk, MD

Le bien-être des patients est notre priorité. Notre équipe d'experts offre des soins de rééducation périnéale de premier ordre et un soutien pour une santé et un rétablissement optimaux. Faites-nous confiance pour des plans de traitement personnalisés et des ressources pour améliorer votre qualité de vie.

Acceptation de nouveaux patients
Banner - University Medical Group, 2800 East Ajo Way, Tucson, AZ, 85713

Voulez-vous réhabiliter votre plancher pelvien à la maison ?

Consultez notre guide des 7 meilleures sondes de rééducation du plancher pelvien à utiliser chez soi.

Lire notre guide

Our dedicated team of experts is committed to providing top-notch care and support for individuals seeking perineal rehabilitation. With a focus on promoting optimal health and recovery, we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. From personalized treatment plans to educational resources, our goal is to empower individuals to regain control and improve their quality of life. Trust [website name] to be your partner in your perineal rehabilitation journey.


Dr. Joel Funk, MD is a highly qualified and experienced physician. With years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Funk is recognized for his expertise in various areas of medicine. He is dedicated to providing quality care and helping his patients achieve optimal health. Whether it's for a routine examination, diagnosis or treatment, you can trust Dr. Funk to provide you with personalized, attentive care. His patient and caring approach, combined with his exceptional medical skills, make him an ideal choice for all your health needs.

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