Annuaire des spécialistes du périnée
Dr. Margarita Maria Aponte Restrepo, MD

Dr. Margarita Maria Aponte Restrepo, MD

Dr. Aponte Restrepo is a highly skilled Obstetrician & Gynecologist specializing in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery. With over 17 years of experience, she offers personalized treatment plans for pelvic floor disorders.

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Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles Medical Center, 6041 Cadillac Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90034

Voulez-vous réhabiliter votre plancher pelvien à la maison ?

Consultez notre guide des 7 meilleures sondes de rééducation du plancher pelvien à utiliser chez soi.

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Dr. Aponte Restrepo is a highly skilled Obstetrician & Gynecologist and Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery specialist. She graduated from the prestigious Harvard Medical School and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogota Facultad De Medicina in 2003. With over 17 years of experience, Dr. Aponte Restrepo is dedicated to providing exceptional care to her patients in Los Angeles, CA and beyond. She is affiliated with the renowned NYU Langone Medical Center. Dr. Aponte Restrepo's expertise includes the field of pelvic floor disorders and she is particularly passionate about helping women with pelvic floor rehabilitation. Whether it's postpartum recovery or addressing urinary incontinence, Dr. Aponte Restrepo offers personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. Trust in her expertise and compassionate approach to receive the highest quality care for your pelvic floor health.
Dr. Margarita Maria Aponte Restrepo is a highly qualified medical professional with an impressive educational background. She graduated from Harvard Medical School in 2008 and prior to that, she completed her medical degree at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogota Facultad De Medicina in 2003. Dr. Aponte Restrepo also completed her residency at New York University, further enhancing her expertise in the field. With her extensive education and training, she is well-equipped to provide exceptional medical care to her patients.
Les troubles de la ménopause et de la post-ménopause font référence à une série d'affections qui surviennent chez les femmes pendant et après la ménopause. Ces troubles peuvent inclure des symptômes tels que bouffées de chaleur, sueurs nocturnes, sécheresse vaginale, sautes d'humeur et modifications du désir sexuel. En outre, les femmes peuvent connaître des changements dans leur cycle menstruel, notamment des règles irrégulières ou l'arrêt complet des menstruations. Ces troubles peuvent avoir un impact significatif sur la qualité de vie d'une femme et nécessiter une intervention médicale pour gérer les symptômes et prévenir les complications. Il est important que les femmes qui souffrent de ces troubles consultent un médecin et bénéficient d'un soutien pour assurer leur bien-être pendant cette phase de transition de la vie.
Cystoscopy, Hysterectomy, Vaginal Repair.
Kaiser Permanente, California - Southern, Senior Advantage Medicare Cost, Kaiser Permanente California - Southern.